Saturday 24 January 2015


When we feel like eating something, the thing first come to our mind that it should be prepared quickly, tasty and colourful. It should be tempting like sandwiches, pizzas, burgers, chips, soft drink etc. The name given to all these kinds of food is fast food, which contributes little or no nutrient value, but instead provides excess calories and fat.
Junk food can be appealing for a various reasons, like convenience, price and taste. For children, who do not always understand the health consequences, it may appear especially appetizing. Regularly consuming fast food can lead to complications in children like – obesity, chronic illness, low self-esteem or even depression. It may also effect in their extracurricular activities. It also reduces their energy level and concentration periods of time.
Children set the foundation for life long habits, but it reduces their well rounded development. Physical activity is also essential for children of all ages and for that they need sufficient energy, but fast food does not provide the necessary nutrients to the body.
Self esteem and confidence is important for growing children. But due to regular consumption of fast food  can have a negative impact on it. It can affect a child’s physical development like- weight gain, self-esteem problems, depression etc.
Fast food also does not provide family members opportunity to set & eat at one place. Child lacks the qualities like-sharing with others or family members, feeling of togetherness, respecting elders, eating habits, food satisfaction which a combine can meal provide, is lacking in fast food.
A well balanced food contains all essential elements which are necessary for a child’s development. Whereas fast food does not have all these elements.

The school students should be always promoted to eat healthy nutritious food. The leassons of quality food starts from home as well as school.

About the Author: The Author is Ms Renu Bhardwaj, PRT Meenakshi Public School

Thursday 22 January 2015


Man cannot live alone. He needs friends. He likes to live in the company of other men or animals. There are also those people who love the company of books. The company of books gives the pleasure of company of man and Nature too. What is a book? A book is the map of man’s life and life in Nature. Books can be our friends. They can be by our side in whatever mood we are. They enlighten and inform us. Books are written by experienced people so we can learn about their life and their experiences too. We can carry books with us when we travel. They fill our minds and hearts with hope and joy. Books play important role in influencing our characters and personality. A man is known by the company he keeps. So it is very important to pick up the right kind of books to read. Reading is habit one should cultivate right form childhood. It is the best leisure time activity. One must graduate from picture comics, fairy tales, detective and romances to good literature. The correct choice of books depends on one’s temperament and tastes. Books are written on different topics like history, geography, science, philosophy, religion and so on. One must treat each subject as the windows through which the glimpses of the world can be taken. Books like the Ramayana and Mahabharata are relevant in modern times too and teach people the ways of life. Writer’s like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, etc. put forward their life on a platter to understand their goals and teachings. When we read books we are in the company of the best and noblest minds of all ages. They enrich our minds by providing us with knowledge and widen the frontiers of our imagination.

About the Author:
The Author is Ms. Geetika Bhargava, PRT Educator, Meenakshi World School

Saturday 17 January 2015


Self Discipline is a very powerful tool that can be developed fro achieving about anything which you can dream. Self-discipline is a proper balance between indulgence and severity. In order to ensure our success, we must first understand how to strengthen and enhance self control, motivation, persistence and above all our goals. By understanding and practicing simple techniques and strengthen our will power, we open the door to success by eliminating our self-destructive behaviours. The programmed habit of self-discipline allows us to take control of our lives.
We should start learning to say NO to our destructive feelings, uncontrolled carvings and selfish desires. Our prime and self – satisfying desires constantly demand appropriate control and if we continue to satisfy the need of urges. We weaken our self control. The ability to continue through adversity the ability to brush off failure and stay focused on our goals.
We should find a quiet place to sit down and make an inventory of our bad habits and destructive carvings. We should begin reducing each habit or carving a little each day. Keep a journal of your progress and talk to yourself.
Persistence is the one ingredient that must always be present in order to succeed. Let us begin today…………………… 

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Good Temper!

Good temper is a very remarkable ingredient in becoming a good human being. We are always inclined to look upon bad temper as a very harmless weakness. We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into very serious account in estimating a man's character. And yet here, right in the heart of this analysis of temperament, it finds a place; and the Bible again and again returns to condemn it as one of the most destructive element   in human nature. The peculiarity of ill temper is that it is the vice of the virtuous. You might know men who are all but perfect but for an easily ruffled quick temper. This compatibility of ill temper with high moral character is one of the strangest and the saddest problem.
Now society has no doubt whatever as to which of these is worse whether sins of body or sins of disposition. We have no balance to weigh one another's sins but fault in higher nature may be less venial than those in lower.
For embittering life, for breaking up communities, for destroying the most sacred   relationships, for devastating homes, for withering up men and women, for taking the bloom of childhood; in short for sheer gratuitous misery producing power, this influence stands alone. Jealousy, anger, pride, uncharity, cruelty-in varying proportions are the ingredients of ill temper. Such sins of disposition are worse to live in, and for others to live with than sins of body. A man with bad temper could only make heaven miserable for all the people to live in.

About the Author:
The Author is Ms. Shikha Arora, PRT Educator, Meenakshi World School


Festivals are the power of a nation. Festivals are those celebrations that bring people closer to each other and act as uniting agents. India is a land of festivals. Throughout the year a lot of festivals are celebrated that are based on religious as well as national events. All of these are celebrated in full spirit and enthusiasm. The biggest festivals commemorated in India are Dussehra, Deepawali, Eid al-Fitr, Holi, Christmas and Baisakhi. 15th August is also a day of grand celebrations when the nation remembers the struggle of the nation against the British. The Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti are also the revered days when the nation unites to remember the great heroes. In all these festivals people forget their social and economic backgrounds and come together for celebrating.
Life is absolutely incomplete without festivals. In the present time when we all are extremely busy with our work these festivals act as those agents which help us to feel energetic and forget our worries. Festivals are also the occasions to forgive and forget all past problems. However, in the recent times it is seen that people waste a lot of resources in the name of festivals. Huge amounts of money are spent in organizing parties, buying crackers and other decorative items and so on. While decoration and parties are important parts of any celebration we should also remember that precious resources should not be wasted. The environment should also be taken care of. Festivals are also the times when we should do some charity work for the needy people so that they too can enjoy the festivals. Therefore, the festivals should be celebrated in right spirits and should be a source of enjoyment and relaxation instead of undue wastage of resources. 

About the Author:
The Author is Mr. Rahul Shyokand, Grade 11, MeenakshI World School